The Joy of Blogging Again: A Rebirth 10 Years in the Making


If you’ve been following this blog since its inception—almost 10 years ago, can you believe it?—you might have noticed a few changes. New name, new look, and, alas, my older posts have vanished into the digital ether. Before you raise an eyebrow or two, let me assure you that all of this change has occurred for very good reasons.

When I started this blog, I was emotionally lost, and it felt like my world had imploded. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t even talk about it with the people closest to me. I spent my days obsessing over the everything wrong happening in my life, while my nights were long stretches of insomnia. That’s when this blog was born—as a venting outlet, a digital confidante. Writing became my catharsis, my escape from the mental tumult. I’d pour my feelings onto the blank canvas of a new blog post, and in doing so, I’d feel a tiny bit more healed.

A decade has passed since those insomnia-fueled nights, and so much has changed. I’ve changed. This is why the blog had to evolve too. It’s been rebranded to reflect who I am now—a far cry from the angst-ridden 20-year-old who initially set out on this journey. The older posts? I decided to retire them because they represent a chapter of my life that has concluded. I honor it, but I am not bound by it.

Now, you might be wondering why the blog went on a hiatus if it meant so much to me. Truth be told, life happened. I got busy with the rollercoaster of adulting, juggling responsibilities, ambitions, and everything in between. My passion for blogging was gently set on a shelf, gathering dust.

But here’s the beautiful thing about turning 30—there’s clarity. I realized how essential it is to prioritize the things that bring joy and meaningful engagement to my life. So, I’m dusting off that shelf, and guess what? My passion for writing is still there, alive and kicking. It’s like rekindling an old friendship; we’re just picking up where we left off.

At 30, I’m not just getting back to blogging; I’m getting back to myself. It’s a journey of rediscovery and self-love. It’s learning to put myself in the narrative, not as a footnote, but as the main character. In a way, blogging again is not just a passion reignited; it’s a form of self-care, a daily affirmation that I matter. And I can’t think of a better age to come to this beautiful realization than now.

This new chapter is brimming with anticipation for the stories I’ll tell, the lessons I’ll learn, and the connections I’ll make. It’s not just a platform for me, but also a community for all of us to share, learn, and grow.

Thank you for sticking with me through the years, and if you’re new here, welcome to the tribe!

P.S. Feel free to drop a comment, share your thoughts, or just say hi!

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